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Social Justice Stewardship

deepen your skills for stewarding effective, sustainable, and authentic social justice work over time

Designed by James Boutin, Social Justice Stewardship is a two-day in-person training designed for those working for social justice in various sectors (education, law, healthcare, food access, climate justice, etc.) who are tired of watching infighting, poor communication, and burnout diminish the power of social justice efforts.

More from James’ website:


If that’s you, you’ve probably been around long enough to see important efforts fall apart due to infighting. You may even have lost close relationships along the way. It’s become clear that the personality conflicts and siloing are actually collaborating with the system that social justice is trying to transform. 

While your commitment to social justice work is strong, Frances Lee’s article Excommunicate Me From the Church of Social Justice resonates.

All of this contributes to a need for a way to make sense of this mess. You’d appreciate a framework for understanding oppression that humanizes every single human on earth, acknowledges the complex connections between systems and trauma, AND points us toward effective action.

I’m honored to be one of the facilitators of this training. Details and more description about James and the workshop are on James’ website.

May 15

The Tender Work: Acknowledging White Responsibility in a Racialized World