Poverty Antidotes

It's helpful to think of poverty as an overflowing bathtub. While bailing can keep damage minimized, turning off the faucet is the permanent fix. Right now, both efforts are necessary.

Turning the Faucet: learn about Universal Basic Income. This TED Talk by Rutger Bregman helped shift me from feeling hopeless to being motivated. Many cities are piloting UBI or GBI (Guaranteed Basic Income) programs, including Tacoma. There are programs for Native Americans as well. Check it out, get involved.

Bailing the Tub: Use your strength, wealth, education, power, health and stability to offset how little of this impoverished people have. Offer your time, labor and funds to:

  • People you're in relationship with (or start by putting yourself where you can develop such relationships)

  • Local organizations that have a direct impact on people struggling with poverty (YWCA, food banks, shelters for the houseless) and offer your time, labor and funds

Gather your friends or family to do any of this as a group, magnifying the impact you'll have.

I liked how one of my clients said it: 

We focus on racial equity as the greatest leverage point to build an inclusive and accessible world for everyone. 

Aug. 2022

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