Reverse What’s Dominant

I've mentioned a few times that I work a shift each week at a local food bank. The operation is run by three men of color and staffed by a crew of men and women from wildly diverse backgrounds, countries, and lived experiences.

When I'm there, I'm not in charge. I don't suggest how to organize things more efficiently; I don't offer my opinions; I don't leverage my expertise. I punch holes in plastic bags, listen to people's stories, bag apples, discuss the oddity of English words, and do what I'm told. My goal: not being in charge, not being in a position of power, not influencing. It's a momentary and deliberate reversal of the relationship of power I'm normally positioned in as an educated, white American woman.

Paul Kivel calls this direct solidarity. Your action this month is to create a situation in your life with this kind of power reversal:

  • Find a BIPOC-run effort where you can bring yourself, offer your labor, do what's being asked of you, and not run things

  • Go back repeatedly

  • Pay attention to times when you want to exert your good ideas, creative solutions, areas of expertise, etc.

  • Let me know how it goes

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The Other Narrative - Finding Palestinian voice


The Tender Work: Acknowledging White Responsibility in a Racialized World